2023 Year-end report from the president: Trish Lopacki |
Thank You to all of you who are actively participating in the Sun City Democrats Club! We appreciate your assistance and support. This Club is about you, for you and with you in fulfilling our mission for Williamson County in 2024.
This has been a busy year and our Club has made some great progress as highlighted at our November meeting, but it bears repeating: • Our PAC has raised close to $25k for contributions in 2024! Thanks to PAC Chair Larry Buxbaum and his fabulous Committee. • Membership has grown by almost 110 Members this year, reaching close to 600 members. Thanks to Helen LaFlare and Pat Berthold for their endless work! • The Communications Committee email “open” rate” now regularly exceeds 70%; the average mass communications only receives about a 35 percent “open” rate. Our Website and calendar continue to grow with new information. Thank You, Ernie Ciarrocchi and the Communications team for this excellent work! • The Events team has seen an increase in attendance at both Happy Hours and Monthly meetings. Thanks to Linda Moran and her amazing organizational skills. • Speakers at our Monthly Club Meetings have been highly rated and appreciated! Thank You, Steve Sabino and the Program Committee. • Sponsored Social Groups added a large number of new groups like Mexican Train, a Book club, additional Wine Groups, and others. Mary Sinclair has done a great job getting those organized. • Administratively, we could not do what we do without our VP, Secretary and Treasurer’s endless data capture and management. Thank You, Larry Buxbaum, Peggie Price and Rob Berthold for your “behind the scenes” work that make everything look like it runs smoothly! Priorities for 2024 At our November 11 meeting, each member was asked to list their top three issues and rank them. Over 70 percent of the members present participated in our survey. The top five issues are listed below and will be the basis by which we begin to plan for 2024’s Programs, Activists Committee activities, PAC Focus, etc. This input was not only enlightening but will prove extremely valuable to future plans. If you weren’t able to attend the November meeting, we are always open to member input at any time, both formally, through surveys, and informally, through communications to Board members. |
Looking Ahead to 2024 We are going to have to get BUSY and ACTIVE in 2024. We must work to finish the job of turning WILCO blue. Of course, we cannot let that former guy get anywhere close to the White House again, and Ted Cruz must not be reelected. This will take ALL of us acting together! We’ll need to dust off our marching shoes, get out those protest t-shirts, and start exercising our hands for letter writing and phone calling, knocking on doors, and supporting our PAC fundraising efforts. More than ever, 2024 is THE year to be active it will be. We need the Gen Z’s and X’s to get out to vote, and we can do this by being the role models they need to see! I’m looking forward to the challenges of the next year. So, here’s to hoping you have time to enjoy the holidays and year-end with family and friends, stay healthy, vaccinated, and happy, because next year, we need all of us to start out at a sprinter pace! Cheers & Good Will, Trish Lopacki SCDC President |